Poul Iversen Kirkegaard & Marie Heluise Thomsdatter - Media
Paulsen Family, Woburn, Massachusetts
Poul Iversen Kirkegaard (2nd from left), Jeanne (née Hallin) Paulsen (3rd from left),
Iver Paulsen (4th from left), other Paulsens not yet identified, 17 Sherman Place, Woburn about 1900-1910.
(courtesy of Larry Hornby)
The Poulsen / Paulsen and Thomsen family farm and mill at Skjelsgaard, Tved parish, Hillerslev district, Thisted County, Denmark about 1910.
Paulsen Family circa 1899
The children of Poul Iversen Kirkegaard and Marie Heluise Thomsen, in Woburn, Massachusetts about 1899
standing (l-r): Ducina, Poul Martin, Hedwig, Knud Christian, Iver, Carolina
sitting (l-r): Inger, Dorothea, John, Petrina