Eighth Generation (Continued)
Bernice Grace Bezanson (Henry Orval7, Isaiah6, Elias5, Anna Barbara Lantz4, Maria Elizabeth Ewald3, Johann Georg2, Christian1).
Born on 11 Sep 1920 in Forties Settlement (a.k.a. The Forties), Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.49 Bernice Grace was baptized in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 23 Jan 1921.49 Bernice Grace died bef 2009; she was 88.
Bernice Grace married Leslie Young.
Elsie Marguerite Bezanson (Henry Orval7, Isaiah6, Elias5, Anna Barbara Lantz4, Maria Elizabeth Ewald3, Johann Georg2, Christian1).
Born on 6 May 1922 in Forties Settlement (a.k.a. The Forties), Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.49 Elsie Marguerite was baptized in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 24 Aug 1924.49 Elsie Marguerite died in St. Catherines, R.M. of Niagara, Ontario, Canada, on 27 Feb 2003; she was 80. Occupation: Waitress.
On 12 Feb 1944 Elsie Marguerite first married
Keith Owen Simes in Halifax, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.
7 Born on 11 May 1922 in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Commonwealth of Australia. Keith Owen died in Kew, Victoria, Commonwealth of Australia, on 18 Apr 1962; he was 39. Occupation: Fighter Pilot, Salesman. They were divorced.
Keith Simes was a flight lieutenant in the Royal Australian Air Force (R.A.A.F.) during the Second World War. He was a member of R.A.A.F. No. 464 Squadron based in England from September 1942 until the end of the war in May 1945.
Couple Facing
Bigamy Charges
SYDNEY [Australia], Thursday.
A bigamy case was given pripority at Central Court to-day, so the couple concerned could return to their baby son in Melbourne at the earliest possible moment.
The couple, Keith Owen Simes, 28, salesman, and Betty Rock, 24, domestic duties were, committed for trial after it had been stated that both intended to plead guilty.
Simes is charged with bigamously marrying Rock at Randwick [New South Wales] in June, 1947, and Rock with participating in the ceremony, knowing Simes' legal wife, Elsie Marguerite Bezanson, of Halifax, Canada, was alive.
Simes was also charged with forging an R.A.A.F. allottee's identification form in, July, 1947, with intent to defraud.
Rock's statement, said Simes had told her in a letter from England that his wife had admitted committing adultery. She had later seen letters in which Mrs. Simes said she would not live with her husband again.
Simes, a former fighter pilot, has a D.F.C. [Distinguished Flying Cross]. (Canberra Times, 8 September 1950)
Elsie Marguerite second married Norman L’Herault. Norman died bef 2003.
They had the following children:
Rhoda Frances Bezanson (Henry Orval7, Isaiah6, Elias5, Anna Barbara Lantz4, Maria Elizabeth Ewald3, Johann Georg2, Christian1).
Born on 10 Mar 1925 in Forties Settlement (a.k.a. The Forties), Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.49 Rhoda Frances was baptized in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 22 Aug 1926.49 Rhoda Frances died bef 2009; she was 83.
Rhoda Frances married John Kosowan.
Audrey Edith Bezanson (Henry Orval7, Isaiah6, Elias5, Anna Barbara Lantz4, Maria Elizabeth Ewald3, Johann Georg2, Christian1) 
Born on 7 Apr 1934 in Forties Settlement (a.k.a. The Forties), Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Audrey Edith was baptized in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 22 Jul 1934.49 Audrey Edith died in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on 25 Aug 2009; she was 75.
Abt 1959 Audrey Edith married Ronald Abernethy.
They had the following children:
Mona Laurinda Bezanson (Living) married
Dean Margeson Reeves 
, son of
Robert William Reeves &
Daisy Blanche Keddy.
Born on 28 Sep 1928 in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.49 Dean Margeson was baptized in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 20 Oct 1929.49 Dean Margeson died in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 2 Dec 2015; he was 87.153 Buried on 7 Dec 2015 in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.153
Dean Reeves was in the Canadian Reserve Army at age 15 and later helped to establish the New Ross Credit Union in New Ross, Nova Scotia. For many years he was active in the New Ross community as a warden at Christ Church and a member of the New Ross Volunteer Fire Dept. He held many different jobs during his working years, from picking tobacco, working in the woods, to driving a truck carrying Christmas trees, pulp wood, and even barrels. For 25 years he owned and operated a successful Stihl chain saw shop. He was an outdoorsman - an avid fisherman, hunter, trapper and gardener.153
They had the following children:
Orval Jerome Bezanson (Henry Orval7, Isaiah6, Elias5, Anna Barbara Lantz4, Maria Elizabeth Ewald3, Johann Georg2, Christian1).
Born on 1 Apr 1938 in Forties Settlement (a.k.a. The Forties), Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Orval Jerome died in Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on 2 Mar 1973; he was 34.49 Buried on 8 Nov 1973 in Forties Settlement (a.k.a. The Forties), Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.49
Veronica Irene Bezanson (Living) married
Blaine Harding Reeves, son of
Robert William Reeves &
Daisy Blanche Keddy.
Born on 25 Jul 1936 in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.49 Blaine Harding was baptized in New Ross, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 4 Sep 1936.49 Blaine Harding died in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 15 Sep 2001; he was 65.
They had the following children: