Seventh Generation (Continued)
Seventh Generation (Continued)
Family of John S. Zwicker (543) & Charlotte Ann Smith
1423. Leland Melburne Swicker (John S. Zwicker6, John5, John Jacob4, George Melchior3, Judith Rosina Bleisteiner2, Johann Mathias1). Born on 13 May 1885 in Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.12,9 Leland Melburne was baptized in Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 21 Jul 1890.9 Leland Melburne died in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A., on 2 Dec 1951; he was 66.33 Occupation: Heel cutter.

Leland and Mildred Swicker with a daughter resided at Railroad Avenue, Rowley, Massachusetts according to the 1910 United States federal census. They rented their home. Mildred Swicker had given birth to two childfren by 1910 of whom one was still living. Leland Swicker was a section hand for a steam railway. He immigrated to the United States in 1902 and was not naturalized. Mildred Swicker immigrated to the United States in 1898 and was not naturalized. (T624-587, Massachusetts, Essex Co., ED 451, Rowley, p. 9A)

The 1920 United States federal census states that Leland and Mabel Swicker with four children resided at School Street, Rowley, Massachusetts. They owned their home on which they had a maortgage. Leland was a cutter in a heel factory. Leland Swicker was a section hand for a steam railway. He immigrated to the United States in 1903 and was not naturalized. Mildred Swicker immigrated to the United States in 1902 and was not naturalized. (T625-696, Massachusetts, Essex Co., ED 253, Rowley, p. 5A)

On 25 Feb 1905 Leland Melburne married Mildred Mabel Garber (1420) , daughter of Edward Eli Garber & 542. Caroline Zwicker, in Groveland, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.33 Born on 18 Jan 1876 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.9 Mildred Mabel was baptized in Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 4 Aug 1878.9 Mildred Mabel died in 1958; she was 81. Occupation: Shoe stitcher.

Mildred Swicker with two sons resided at School Street Rowley, Massachusetts. She owned their home which was valued at USD 750.00. They did not own a radio set. Her married daughter Doreene Paige lived in the household. Mildred SWicker had no stated occupation. Mildred Swicker immigrated to the United States in 1900 and was not naturalized. (T626-902, Massachusetts, Essex Co., ED 241, Rowley, p. 8B)

They had the following children:
Female (Stillborn) (1907-1907)
Verna Arlene (1909-)
Lindell (1911-1911)
Edward Leland (1912-1912)
Lela Doreene (1914-2003)
Aubrey Merle (1918-1991)
Seldon Linwood (1921-1985)
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