Tenth Generation (Continued)
Tenth Generation (Continued)
Family of Eileen Helen Duane Jenkins (10693) & James Henry Jamieson
16867. Jamesina Giralda Lydia Jamieson (Eileen Helen Duane Jenkins9, Geralda Helena Hampton Hatchard8, John Alexander7, Barbara Elizabeth Wambold6, John Henry5, Anna Barbara Hiltz4, Rebecca Magdalena Lantz3, Johann Heinrich2, Michael1). Born on 20 Aug 1933 in Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan, Canada. Jamesina Giralda Lydia died in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, on 3 Dec 2014; she was 81. She was never married.

In 1958 Jamesina Jamieson graduated from the College of Law in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and articled the law firm of Mackenie, Thom, Bastedo and Jackson in Regina, Saskatchewan. She opened her own law practice in Maple Creek, Sakatachewan and practiced there for four years before moving to Indian Head, Saskatchewan to take over a law practice there. In 1967 she sold that practice and moved to Regina where she became the official Guardian of Infants for the province, a branch of the then Attorney General’s office. After serving in that position for 15 years, Jamesina Jamieson was granted a sabbatical to attend the University of Ottawa to obtain a Master’s Degree in Law (Legislation). Upon her return to Regina, she moved to the Legislative Services Branch of the provincial Department of Justice. Later she was transferred to the position of Executive Assistant to the Chief Justice of the Queen’s Bench after the expansion of the court by the amalgamation the District Court and the Queen’s Bench Court. She served under two Chief Justices. In November 1990, she was transferred to the Corporations Department to work on a special legislative project from which she retired in April 1991. (Regina Leader-Post, obituary, 5 December 2014)

16868. Basil Arthur Spurgeon Jamieson (Eileen Helen Duane Jenkins9, Geralda Helena Hampton Hatchard8, John Alexander7, Barbara Elizabeth Wambold6, John Henry5, Anna Barbara Hiltz4, Rebecca Magdalena Lantz3, Johann Heinrich2, Michael1). Born on 27 Feb 1935 in Lumsden, R.M. of Lumsden, Saskatchewan, Canada. Basil Arthur Spurgeon died in Lumsden, R.M. of Lumsden, Saskatchewan, Canada, on 17 Dec 1968; he was 33.

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