Thirteenth Generation (Continued)
Thirteenth Generation (Continued)

Dorothy June Ernst (Living) married Wayne Richard Lewis, son of Albert Richard Lewis & Doris Alma Macgilvery. Born on 22 Mar 1942 in Halifax, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Wayne Richard died in Falmouth, Hants Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 3 Oct 2020; he was 78.

They had the following children:

Marie Ann Ernst (Living) married Robert Leo White (Living), son of William White & Vina Backman.

They had the following children:
4050. Richard Perry Ernst (June Cecilia Swinamer12, Mildred Jean Hyson11, Robert Turner10, William Henry9, John Frederick Heyson8, John William Gorkum7, Johann Philip6, Johann Friedrich5, Johannes Heuson4, Hans-Velten3, Velten2, Christianus Hußon1). Born on 4 Jun 1956 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Richard Perry died in Windsor, Hants Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, on 7 Apr 2015; he was 58.

Richard Perry married Louise Ann Backman (Living), daughter of Ernest Backman (Living) & Barbara Harriet Louise Conrad (Living).

They had one child:
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